PC-DMIS 2020 R1 delivers new features, capabilities and greater usability for portable measuring arm users

Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division today launched PC-DMIS 2020 R1, the latest edition of the world’s most popular measurement software. PC-DMIS 2020 R1 brings new features, capabilities and enhanced user experience to portable measuring arm operators and those who scan and create point cloud data.

The new feature ‘Guided Portable Execution’ streamlines the creation and execution of contact Auto Features. This takes the guesswork out of measurement manual measurement paths by guiding the user through the measurements, showing where measurement points need to be taken in red and points already captured in green, whilst automatically scaling and rotating to the active Auto Feature. For users of scanning devices, they can now show the point cloud data as a mesh display, selecting a pre-defined profile with one click from the portable scanning widget toolbar. The new point cloud noise reduction filter automatically removes any points too far away from the global cloud. The user can adjust the sensitivity of the filter, offering the right level for each task.